Game Support

Gold Coins
1. Purchased coins, money withdrawn, but no coins appeared in bank?
Contact us here.
2. Clicked to purchase coins and nothing happened
Please wait up to 5 seconds for purchase screens to come up and for purchases to go through.
3. Coins not awarded after walking to a map marker or a floating coin
4. I deleted the game and restarted again . . . and now my purchases are not showing up (coins and/or remove ads)
Go to Settings (wheel in bottom right) then click on Restore Purchases. The game should repopulate any coins you had in your bank and also remember if you paid to remove the auto-ads that appear after a page is puzzled together.
1. Purchased "Remove Ads" and ads are still appearing
Note first that "Remove Ads" only removes the automatic ads that appear right after a journal page is assembled. If you have paid for removal of ads and the automatic ads are still appearing right after the journal puzzle is assembled, please contact us.
2. I deleted the game and restarted again . . . and now my purchases are not showing up (coins and/or remove ads)
Go to Settings (wheel in bottom right) then click on Restore Purchases. The game should repopulate any coins you had in your bank and also remember if you paid to remove the auto-ads that appear after a page is puzzled together.
1. App Keeps Crashing During Play / Any Screen Locks Up / Map Markers Not Appearing
Since we're putting a lot of strain on your phone by having it reach back in time, it could make your phone hot and strange things can start to happen. This is especially true if you're trying to play through a number of pages at once. Put your phone away for 10 minutes and enjoy your surroundings while it cools down.
* If the app continues to have problems, please force quit the game and then re-open it.
* If problems persist, please Contact Us. We will need to know your phone model and OS version.
Additionally, please go to Settings (wheel in bottom right of game), click on the flying crow in the upper right of the screen, and take a screenshot of the page (which will include your device ID). Please send us this screenshot.
2. Not receiving notifications every time a new page is released
Please check to be sure notifications are turned on (go to your phone Settings, find Hidden Secrets, and turn on "Allow Notifications"). Note that each notification will appear just once and none of the notifications are saved. So when you open your phone for any reason, the notification will disappear.
3. Data not loading (you see our spinning coin loader for a long time and the page is not loading)
Confirm that you have connection to WiFi or cell service. Confirm that location permission has been granted (go to your phone Settings, find Hidden Secrets, and turn on "Allow Location Access While Using The App").
4. Problems with Assembly of Journal Page Pieces
If you are unable to assemble the page pieces for any reason, hit the back arrow (upper left of screen) and then go forward again. Usually this solves the problem. If not, please quit the game and re-open it.
* If you continue to experience the problem, please Contact Us and let us know what page you are on.
5. Hints not working
If the Hints button is not working and you are unable to move forward, please Contact Us. We will need to know the journal page you are on and the Hint (1-4) you are trying to obtain.
Final Treasure Map
1. Submitted the final treasure location guess and then the app crashed:
Open the final map again and navigate back to the location you submitted. If there is nothing showing on that location on the map, your guess was incorrect - keep trying! If there is a treasure chest there, you may have guessed correctly - congratulations!
Next step: Go to Settings (wheel in bottom right of app), tap on the flying crow in the upper right and take a screenshot of that screen (which will show us your device ID). Send us the screenshot (Contact Us) and we can confirm if your guess was logged and correct. Note that our game will track the very first device to guess the correct location, so even if you happen to get kicked out of the game right after making the guess, if you guessed correctly and were the first to do so, we can verify with your device ID.
2. "SUBMIT" button not showing on final map
Be sure you have zoomed in far enough so that the triangle in the upper right corner has turned green.
If you are zoomed in and the triangle is green and you are still not seeing the "SUBMIT" button, please take a screenshot and send it to us, identifying your treasure location guess (Contact Us). If your location is correct, you win the game! If the location is incorrect, we will ask you to force quit the game and reopen - and guess again!